Roll In

Hewitt Roll-A-Dock Decking Options
Unique V-type bracing reduces the clear span on a 32' dock to only 21'. This design gives the wheel assembly superior strength both front & rear, & assures maximum stability on soft or rocky bottoms.
Exclusive connecting system -- there is no loss of strength, even at the joints.
Tapered frame incorporates design principles proven in bridge & rafter construction. This design provides maximum strength with minimum weight. The open sides of the frame also improve stability by reducing wave resistance.
The height adjusting winch & cable is located inside the dock frame. There are no exposed parts to snag--nothing to damage your boat when you pull along side.
The height adjusting winch is operated with a removable hand crank--height adjustments can be made while standing on the deck. Dock Heights adjust from 2.5’-5.5’ and up to 8’ with the Deep Water Kit.
Decking is bolted to the frame providing superior stability.
​Quiet Tape is added between aluminum Decking and frame to ensure a quiet sound while walking on the dock.
Available in hot-dipped galvanized or aluminum frame.
Hardware is stainless steel or Durlak coated.
15 year conditional warranty.
Complete copy of manufacturer's warranty available upon request or click here.

Powder-Coated Aluminum White or Beige



Hewitt Ultra Dock Decking Options
Ultra Dock
Tough Durable Dock like the Roll a Dock with the ability to easily separate each section for storage and easier install and removal each season
All welded Tube Truss Frame for excellent strength.
Docks available in 4x8, 4x12, 4x16, and 6x8
Available in White Aluminum, Wood Grain Aluminum, and Thru Flow Decking.
All decking is non-removable for superior stability.
Screw adjustable legs allow for easy adjustment and leveling from the top of the dock without getting in the water.
Dock Legs available for dock heights from 31" - 87"

Aluminum White

Wood Grain Aluminum

Complete copy of manufacturer's warranty available upon request or click here.

Floe Roll-In Decking Options

Aluma-Grain Chestnut

Grey Aluminum
Quick-Attach makes it simple to connect sections together & attach accessories easily anywhere
Wheel kits on every section eliminates stress on unsupported mid-sections. Also, the wheel kits ensure that you lift less than half of the weight of one section no matter how long your dock is.
Effortlessly level each section independently from the top with a cordless drill or ratchet.
Available to install in water depths up to 9’ deep.
Standard wheel is drilled & fills with water for ballast.
Bridge-type truss dock structure.
Aluminum frame, stainless steel & aluminum hardware.
15 year limited warranty.
Complete copy of manufacturer's warranty available upon request or click here.