Pile Driven

Steel Piling Docks
Our barge pounds 6 5/8" O.C. steel pilings to support your dock.
Caps & I-beams are welded to the pilings.
2x12 Joists are bolted to the I-beams for superior strength.
Decking is fastened by screws, not nails.
Corresponding skirting is used to cover outside edges.*
Wind bracing is installed for additional stringer reinforcement.
Vinyl or treated wood decking
*not used with treated lumber decking
Many accessories are available: benches, bumpers, cleats, and much more!

Wood Piling Docks
Our barge pounds 10" treated butt-end wood pilings.
Wood pilings give a "nautical" look.
Decking is fastened by screws, not nails.
Call or email for a FREE on-site evaluation!

Schmidt Boat Lifts & Docks is proud to work with Davit Master Lift Systems
Pile Driven Lifts
Our barge pounds 6 5/8" O.C. steel pilings or 10" treated butt-end wood pilings.
Lift capacities from 7,000 to 30,000 pounds.
Pontoon & triton kits, inboard bunks, and full length guides are available.
Includes standard full length carpeted bunks & PVC pipe guides.
Many accessories are available: removable canopy, shingled roof, piling guides, bow stop, catwalks, etc.